DME standard component

ViewMold Co Ltd is an ISO 9001:2000 certified plastic injection molds company that supplies
plastic injection molds
plastic injection molds design
plastic injection molds manufacturing of high quality,plastic injection molding... We are Proud to bring to you the quality and speed you would expect from Viewmold plastic injection molds. We believe we will be your supplier of choice. Just give Viewmold a email or submit a quote online. Our team of quote specialists is the most responsive and the most hands on.

The First Family of Quality

D-M-E - world's largest manufacturer of basic tooling for the plastics injection molding and die casting industries - has, since 1942, concentrated on the development of high quality mold and die steels.
It has been time well spent For us. And for you. As the result of years of research, testing, and field service in moldmaking shops, molding and die casting plants, D-M-E has developed the basic metallurgical specifications for a whole family of mold steels - six of them - to meet the requirements of the wide variety of applications mold and die makers handle
As proven in shop after shop across the country, the performance of these six D-M-E steels usually exceeds your most exacting requirements
D-M-E mold and die steels are all melted, rolled or forged, and heat treated by the nation's leading steel manufacturers to D-M-E's own specifications to meet the exacting demands of moldmakers, molders, and die casters These steel manufacturers give your D-M-E steels "first family" treatment on the finest steel-making equipment available. They keep the chemistries up to specifications with continuing material analysis: specialized testing such as the ultrasonic reflectoscope and other systematic quality control procedures.
They appreciate the tact that D-M-E buys and machines more quality mold steel, over 10,000 tons a year. for more moldmakers than all other users combined
To design and build the high quality molds and dies needed to produce more quality parts per hour, you've got to start with high quality steels, steels with the metallurgical characteristics that assure reliable mold and die performance, increase your safety factor, and boost your productivity. You know that. So do we.

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